Village wise details of census data.
Census data are for 2011 census and includes
1. Household amenities
2. Village amenities,
3. Demography and
4. Town amenities.
This is derived from the data published on IIT site (Click here)
Technology and Development Solutions Cell is a resource center for providing technology-based solutions for the development sector. TDSC provides resources and services to undertake projects that deliver outputs via academic research outputs, consulting, outreach modules, entrepreneurship guidance, etc.
Information of Health centers in areas like: Bhiwandi and Malegaon with 25 Aspirational Districts.
Urban livability index is being announced by urban ministries and urban local bodies submit data for evaluations.
This platform helps with granularity of data to corporator ward level.
We deal with amenities as proposed in DP ( e.g Mumbai DP 2014-34)and use demographic data (census 2011) and OSM to make citizen understand.
We also have a model application for zero waste .
RTP - Right To Pee
Movement for Public Toilets for Women
This theme displays ITIs and Polytechnics of Maharashtra.
Urban Nutrition .
The rivers of India play an important role in the lives of the Indian people. The river systems provide irrigation, potable water, cheap transportation, electricity, as well as provide livelihoods for a large number of people all over the country.